Friday 10 February 2012

Needs or Wants

#003- Needs or Wants

Life is full of temptation. It make you thought of having it badly, be it needs or wants.
There are always many needs or wants that we have to decide on.
Many times, i was trapped between it.

# i NEED a manicure but i WANT leopard nail art.
cant really have the nails art design as my work dun allow fanciful color. which also mean i can only have nude or light color. Though nude color look abit lady like but im getting bored of it :(
Anyways, i'm going to do manicure with BFFs later and next wed for gelish mani with sis :D
Shall decide on the color later on.

Friends around me said i can go open shop selling ip casing cause i have tons of them and changing quite frequently :x BUT who can resist on cute casing :(
So now, i was thinking to customise my own casing not? Having your own casing is very unique.
# i want to make sth like this :D
or whoever wanna get me this for my birthday ? *PLEASE*

#Isn't this cute too ?
These had already caught my mind like months agooooooooo.The more i look at it, the more i wanna get it.
Since im heading town later on, SHOULD I ? haha !
every color look nice. *gg-fied*

# After looking at this post, i realized all are my wants rather than needs. But come to thoughts of that, TODAY IS PAY DAY *winkwink* As long as you have money in your pocket, every wants will literally be your needs ! Agree much uh?
However, 2 more weeks to BABOs' CHALET  <3 :D
Cant wait for all the fun to come.

Till then :) <3

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