Monday 26 March 2012


#006 - Ongoing

Its been almost 6 weeks since i last updated. Been studying real hard for theory for Sweng and DI. I bet you wouldn't believe on how hardworking were babos during that period of time. Stayed at CoffeeBean almost half of the day to study. Over to Woodland Point till 12am ! Study for DI was a bitch ! knew nth bout its theory from the start of the sem. Totally alien ! BUT IM GLAD ITS ALL OVER NOW :) Y2S2 RESULT IS OUT ! Almost scared the shyt out of me. But thanks god for everything <3 OFFICALLY CLEARED MY YEAR 2. another year to come. More tougher thing getting in line.

What else coud i do beside meeting out with all my beloved. YES, YOU'RE RIGHT. WORKING -.- Finally coming the end of the mth, which mean, ITS TIME TO ENJOY MY LAST 2 WEEK OF HOLIDAY ! whoos ! That critical 2 weeks before i go on war with poly. LAI LAI EVERYBODY, BOOK ME IN ADVANCE ! hahaha.

Life's been great with all the meet up with loved one.Hoping for more to come and stay the way we are. Those endless talks, those night driving for supper to places i never been to, those hunts for food that we never had before, those funny camwhore, those epic moments, those movie mathranton. Thanks all lovelies <3

Last thing before i end : im going to ECP soon for night breeze. OH YAY !

Till then :) <3

Updates on Outings

#005 - Finally the updates on Outings

Tampines Day

--> Have been a long time since i last stepped into Tamp. Main motive was to Dressy to see what nice thingy they have for sales. BUT BUT BUT my outlet seem to have better things than them -.- Walked around TM and tampines 1 and we head home early as i had to head over to granny hse for family gathering. Rare times like this for cousin and I to get together.

Meet Up with Cliques

-->finally having an random meet up with alicia and jas. Went over to Junction10 to slack. Alicia introduced her eggy to us. Happy for her <3 Since we have nth to do, we headed to Town for movie. Watched Act of Valor in DG with Faiz joining us together. Well, its a show that a grp of Navy fighting for the country. Should be uh. Great day afterall :)

Babo Meet Up

--> Celebrating KK birthday. Here come the babos <3
Due to different path, we hardly have time to gather together. Dined in EmpireState and went woodgrove to drink and chill.
3D2N in costas sand. eat,drink,mj,laugh.WE EVEN STRIKE 4D.hehehe. this is what you call the 'POWER OF 10' <3
Maxi Day

--> Over to Orchard with Maymay and Aiting. ps sweetheart for letting her to wait for us so long. Maymay being the kelian one as she have to serve us the 2 so called PMS ladyyy. hehe. 

Random Meet Up
--> TexasChicken for dinner yo !

Marche Time

this girl finally have some time for us ! WHOO. freaking long for not meeting and seeing her :)
Had EwF for brunch and Marche for dinner ;)
A pity that sweetheart got to OT if not she would have joined us too.

Till then :) <3